Body odor, in many cases, stems from your gut. Ever notice how your neighbor in your yoga class smells like curry or garlic? I promise you they weren’t born smelling delicious. They most likely have an affinity for curry or in my case, Cuban mojo (a delicious garlicky, citrus oily concoction designed to pour generously over everything). Eons ago, a client told me to take chlorophyll pills before a date to make sure my breath and farts don’t smell like garlic. Another client told me it was the only thing that neutralized her son’s pubescent body odor. I regularly use chlorophyll during my colonics for various reasons: chlorophyll is oxygenating, alkalinizing, mineral-rich, it’s a blood cleanser and did you know it is also an internal deodorant?
Clients are always asking me about my favorite body products, so I think this is a good place to start because I have a strong sniffer. There are many things you can do to curb your stank. The first step is to admit you have a problem: wearing commercial deodorants.
Our skin is our largest organ composed of millions of pores prime for absorption. Just think about how effectively birth control patches and nicotine patches deliver chemicals right into the blood stream preventing unwanted babies and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In sum, what you put on your skin affects your entire body.
So imagine the long-term damage of applying toxic, aluminum-laden antiperspirant under your arms everyday! The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is that deodorant kills the odor-causing bacteria your body emits, while antiperspirant actually prevents your body from emitting the toxic bacteria at all. As someone who loves to excrete, this is absolutely unacceptable.
Personally, I hardly ever wear deodorant (I heard this is an Asian thing…thanks, Mom!). I brought a highly recommended natural deodorant to Tootsie Olan’s dance/yoga retreat in Tulum last week mostly for everyone else’s benefit because I sweat my ass off at this retreat each year. I think I am converting to an armpit perfume wearer because I actually couldn’t stop smelling myself! I have the Humble Mountain Lavender scent, but a friend wears the Humble Palo Santo Frankinsence scent and it smells equally amazing. This brand can be found at certain health food stores and also on their website.
I acknowledge that I am no deodorant expert, but I recommend testing and investing in a natural deodorant that contains no heavy metals (ie aluminum), which are attributed to neurological disorders, fertility issues and who knows what the fuck else. Some natural deodorants contain both baking soda and even probiotics to eliminate odor. By the same token, if your genitals reek, take a bath with 1/4 cup of baking soda and eat your probiotics (for vaginal care, I recommend Metagenics Ultraflora Womens Probiotic).
And don’t forget the ultimate odor eliminator is a deep colon cleanse. Book your next colonic appointment online here.