I now consider my new little kitten a part of the family. I wouldn’t make my family shit in a box, so I don’t expect Micro to live like an animal anymore. She will shit in the toilet like every other civilized family member.
Yesterday was Day 1 of Micro’s CitiKitty training. When I first purchased these toilet training kits for the Doody Free shop, I had no intention of ever actually ever testing them because I never wanted a cat. So I never knew if this shit actually worked, I just thought it was fucking hilarious. I mean look at the picture on the box!
I’m excited to report that after an entire day of avoiding the CitiKitty and pooping/peeing all together until I put it on the ground, Micro finally climbed up on the toilet today to pee in the CitiKitty litter! So things are looking up and I’m a very proud mama 🙂
Stay tuned…