Feed Your Ass!

I’ve been searching long and hard for an affordable, quality vegan probiotic and low and behold, it found me. Thanks to a new client of mine, I am now carrying Metagenics, a line of plant-based, non-GMO supplements (many of which are vegan) backed by scientific studies that prove superior absorption and effectiveness. Metagenics is generally carried by doctors and naturopaths as a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals. Now, you can find their UltraFlora Balance probiotic at the Doody Free shop. $40 gets you a two month supply! You can also purchase them online here. 



Protein Makes You Constipated

Somewhere along the line, a cultural obsession with protein developed along with the desire to look like this:




Because that’s normal…

I know what bodybuilders go through to look like this and it involves a lot of dead chickens, food obsessing, no life outside the gym, fat burning pills, zero shits (but infinite fucks) and intentional dehydration. I don’t understand why this sounds appealing only to end up looking like The Hulk and forever shop in Plus Size (or not….)


Aside from thinking bodybuilding is some weird shit, I want to drive home the point that we are a protein-obsessed culture. Friends and clients alike ask me all the time how I get my protein since I don’t eat meat or fish. Vegans will always pose the argument that we get substantial, if not excess protein from plant food because a lot of our leafy greens contain the amino acids necessary to build complete proteins in our bodies. One cup of spinach has 7 grams of protein! I mean, have you seen the guns on Popeye!



Meat on the other hand, is a complete protein, which requires our bodies to break down the amino acids before assimilating it. Additionally, some of the proteins are destroyed from cooking. Heavy meat eating can also result in heart and kidney issues, so the healthiest way to get your protein is from your veggies.

So for all my protein-obsessed vegans, there are ways to get beefy without eating beef. My friend and idol, Mike Perrine (@EveryDayDetox), offers up his perfected protein shake recipe. Mike is the biggest fucking vegan hipster, foodie, health-nut kinda dude and yes ladies, he’ll make you some pickles (Tinder profile photo below. Popeye resemblance?).


Follow his Snapchat to learn some invaluable shit, including how to make smoothies the right way and where to find vintage graffiti in NYC. After weeks of begging, he finally produced this recipe chock full of protein derived from hemp seeds. Hemp seeds pack a whopping 5 grams of protein per tablespoon along with 6 times more omega-3s than tuna, plus they’re rich in fiber and trace minerals. It’s pretty much a perfect food.

protein shake vegan



3 T hemp protein
2 T Vitamineral Green
3 Medjool Dates
3 Dried Turkish Figs
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
3 C Fresh Almond Walnut Milk (wtf Mike! Who has time for this shit?!)
15 (16 is poisonous) Raw Cacao beans (optional)

  1. Check your dried fruits for bugs and pits.
  2. If you have the time, soak your dates and figs in the nut milk for twenty minutes to one hour.
  3. In a Vitamix blend the first six ingredients until smooth.
  4. Add the cacao beans and pulse for 5 seconds to create the chocolate chip effect.



Power of the Poo PODCAST

I’m very excited to be featured on Kimberly Snyder’s top-rated Beauty Inside Out iTunes podcast! Kimberly Snyder is not only a celebrity nutritionist living and breathing a compassionate, plant-based diet empowering each of her followers to achieve their highest self both physically and spiritually, but she is also responsible for putting gravity colonics on the global map.

When I was first turned onto gravity colonics, it felt like a secretive practice only for those “in the know.” I was even embarrassed to tell my parents I was partaking in this weirdness. My mission in establishing Doody Free Girl has always been to eliminate the shame game. Shaming is lame. Everyone deserves to poop in peace.

So please check out the POO-CAST and don’t keep me a secret by sharing this with all your friends and enemies. CLICK HERE AND ENJOY!



Downtown Jersey City Health Markets

Many of my NYC clients find themselves foraging for health food in Jersey City after their colonics. Look no further… here is a list of my favorite health markets in Jersey City and what they each offer:

Subia’s Organic Cafe: About a ten minute walk from the Doody Free Girl headquarters, Subia’s is located at 506 Jersey Ave. Subia’s is both a small health market and vegan cafe owned by two sisters. Patience is a virtue here, so don’t come here if you’re in a rush, although it’s well-worth the wait. The soup of the day is always an excellent option post-colonic or a fresh juice/smoothie. Everything is organic. Closed on Mondays.

Key Food: All you city folk know about Key Food. Well, there’s one in Jersey City about a five minute walk from the Doody shop, located at 574 Jersey Avenue (about a ten minute walk down the street from Subia’s Organic Cafe). This Key Food has plenty of fresh produce and healthy snacks.

P&K Fruit Market: This friendly family-owned health bodega in downtown Jersey City has the best avocados in town. I practically stop in here daily to grab avocados, limes, and a box of organic greens. They also carry a great line of local vegan cheeses and vegan burgers called Jersey City Veggie Burgers in the freezer section that only read a handful of recognizable ingredients.

Nature’s House: Another friendly family-owned health market that offers fresh juices in the front along with many specialty items throughout. There isn’t a whole lot of fresh food here, but it’s fun to browse through the teas, incense, body products and supplements. They also carry my favorite coffee alternative, Dandy Blend.


A Pork-Free BBQ.

I had an amazing Saturday filled with old and new clients followed by the 6th Annual Hamilton Park BBQ where I met this vegan pig making quite the ironic statement…


Needless to say, I was in no mood to eat pig, so I bought some radish kimchee from the Korean BBQ spot called Ahri’s Kitchen instead. I am very excited to have discovered this spot, which is located on 7th Street in downtown Jersey City. All of their main dishes come with a side of kimchi, which is loaded with probiotics to aid in digestion of the heavier dishes. Check out their menu here.