Man, it is proving difficult to ingest all of this fluid with all of these rules!! Yesterday, I ended up just eating one hearty meal around 4pm because I was too busy drinking apple cider, tea and water all day! I hadn’t even finished drinking everything by the time I ate, so I had to wait two hours after dinner to continue drinking all three beverages. I broke the rule of not drinking in the evening, but I figured it’s more important to get it all in than abide by that stupid rule.
My work involves squeezing tubes with my right hand and abdomens with my left hand for a solid hour, so it’s hard for me to sip on anything while I’m working. I managed to sip on my tea because I keep it in a thermos with a very convenient squeeze button that opens the mouth hole. My mother gave me this brilliant Contigo thermos and I seriously think it is one of the greatest things she’s ever given me. I guarantee she bought it at Costco in case you were wondering where you could pick one up. I’ll probably use it to drink plain water once I’m done with this cleanse. It’s become evident to me that I’m not drinking enough fluid in general due to the nature of my business, which is ironic considering how much water I use to flush my clients out!
I’m enjoying my clear pee. That is all.
Happy Friday!