Today is the big day! Martin Luther King Day! And, of course, my liver flush! There will be colonics, epsom salt and olive oil to be had…
I was very happy to kiss the apple cider goodbye at approximately 10:45am this morning. I was then pressed to complete a second colonic treatment at 11:30am for a client who is completing her liver cleanse and then eat lunch all by 1:30pm.
Lunch consisted of white rice and sweet potatoes. Moritz recommends white rice and vegetables. Sweet potatoes probably aren’t the best choice as they’re a bit heavy, but they’re my favorite and I can’t eat for another 23 hours, so sweet potatoes it is! After lunch, I waited until 3:30pm to give myself a colonic and then rush home, picking up the Epsom salt and plastic wrap on the way.
I’ve already downed my first portion of Epsom salt water about an hour ago and I’m starting to feel a little queazy. One of my clients who just completed a liver cleanse yesterday said she threw up from the Epsom salt after holding it in for about an hour. I’m past the hour mark, so I’m hoping it stays down. I’ll keep you posted. I still have to drink another serving in about 45 minutes. It actually doesn’t taste bad at all (especially when you hold your breath) and you only need to drink six ounces at a time. I remember many years ago drinking a liter of salt water as part of the Master Cleanse. I do not recommend drinking a liter of salt water or doing the Master Cleanse. You basically starve yourself while binging on lemonade and salt water for 10 days, sharting your pants all the while. #Truestory. Anywho, this isn’t like that. Thankfully, the Epsom salt does not taste like salt. It has more of a sour mineral aftertaste that I find slightly less disgusting, so it is a little easier to put down. And I haven’t had an urge to run to the bathroom nor release any air down there. But I may puke!
Stay tuned!