Happy New Year!

Happy New Years, everybody! You may already know that I love me some resolutions

Last year, my aim was to clean out my liver because Andreas Moritz, author of The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse, connects body imbalance to a congested liver. Just before the new year last year, I was experiencing terrible menstrual cramps. My client who pointed me to Moritz’s liver cleanse affirmed that severe menstrual cramps are an abnormal occurrence that can be addressed by cleaning out the liver, which is responsible for proper circulation. By end of 2015, I completed five or six (I forget) liver cleanses and I can now say (knock on wood) that I have not experienced a horrible menstrual cramp since 2014.

Oddly enough, I haven’t really made any resolutions for 2016. I guess overall, I want to keep my email inbox under 1,000 emails and to drink more water. It’s going to be a tough year!

