Toilet paper gets more play than your vibrator, so naturally, the choice of one ply or two ply is a very intimate preference. To my surpise, many of my clients have never experienced the rawness of one ply. I’m not sure whether to attribute this overwhelming vote for two ply to Charmin’s cuddly teddy bear marketing scheme or whether there is some actual advantage to two ply when it comes to combing your genitals. In my experience, one ply lasts a lot longer, saving the trees, Earth, and your wallet. This is especially true when you buy Seventh Generation recycled paper products (they really do use 80% post-consumer material which also helps preserve landfill space!). I prefer to buy my TP in the 1000 sheet single rolls because they last much longer and look a lot nicer in my TP holder.
Finally, I’d like to end this post with a common problem people may or may not attribute to two ply toilet paper: dingleberries.