AstraZenica pulled some shit during this year’s SuperBowl. I hate to admit I love their new commercial, which brilliantly conveys the reality of bathroom envy, and it would have been a lot more kosher had it been advertising a natural remedy (ehem, colonics), but the commercial is advertising a pill to cure your painkiller-related constipation woes. Essentially, Big Pharma paid about $5 million dollars to justify America’s existing opioid addiction problem. Opioids turn off pain receptors in your brain, which inadvertently affect your bowel receptors, making you constipated as fuck.
I always encourage my clients to explore all of the holistic, natural remedies available before succumbing to prescribed medication because I believe pharmaceuticals represent the unknown. The list of side effects for any given prescription generally include the initial reason you are taking the medication in the first place, along with an indefinite list of scary afterthoughts such as heart attack, stroke, and/or death. I would much rather take a douche to the ass than a pill to the mouth any day of the week. Namaste.